About Gathering Grounds Gaming

Gathering Grounds gaming is a place where table top gamers, whether you play Dungeons and Dragon, to Warhammer 40K, and everything in between you can find the pieces and accessories you need to bring your world and story to life, or those famous stories we all love to retell.

The designs are all by us based on what we love to play on or inspired by the different worlds in which the games are set.

Here we not only create the pieces we love to see on the table and put them straight in our stop but we also work with customers to bring their own imaginations to life through custom builds, big and small.

Most of our terrain and even the bases are all hand sculpted and built, then moulded in silicon  and cast in a high quality resin before being hand painted. 

Along side all of this we also 3D print pieces on request and have a range releasing later in the year so keep an eye out for that.